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XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


The cooler weather finally came to Zhenjiang as the music season comes to an end. This week’s show saw two bands perform. First up was 鞠起与氪乐队, a folk rock band.


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D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


I have never been a huge fan of folk rock bands in China, they are extremely common and mostly they are boring. 鞠起与氪乐队 was no exception. They sounded ok but ok as in a KTV singer sounding ok. I was no impressed by them at all and was completely bored shooting them. Perhaps this sounds a little harsh and maybe it is but it is how I truly felt. I was relieved when their set was over as  the next band looked much better to me.


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The next band up was 梧桐乐队, a classic rock band who more than made up for the disappointment of the first band. The took the stage with confidence and and rocked the half sleeping crowd awake with their first note. Their first song rocked hard and the life returned to the slumbering rock fans who were lulled to sleep by the previous folk band.


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D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


D3S_1180-1024x682 XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 23


梧桐乐队 closed the show with style, saving it with their performance. This was the first time I had shot 梧桐乐队, but I am sure I will shoot them again in the future. They are a young band with not much experience playing together, so they should only get better with more shows under their belt. The evenings are really starting to get cold here in China now. I have only two or three more shows left to shoot before the season ends. I am hoping the last few shows will be good.



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