XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 19
This week at XiJinDu saw two soft punk rock bands playing to the delight of the crowd. First up was 新学校废物合唱团. As I arrived at the show, they were ending their sound check and seemed to be in an extremely jovial mood. This carried onto the set as well. You could see that they were having so much fun on stage, and the crowd was eating it up.
新学校废物合唱团 turned out to be a really talented young band, and I enjoyed shooting them. No acting up for the camera, just busy entertaining the crowd. Really good stuff.
After 新学校废物合唱团 was heartland内心深处乐队. They were the more famous of the two bands, and they did not disappoint. The highlight of the show for me and many of the young girls was the guitar player. He was extremely talented and had a great presence on stage, and the girls loved his look. Their screaming at him was almost deafening at times.
The show ended on a high, and the crowd left in a good mood, which is what all performers want to see. I had fun at the show, but I did not shoot any video this week. Next week’s show has yet to be announced, so I am not sure what to expect right now. I can only hope the quality bands keep coming to play in Zhenjiang where I work.