Shooting film February 2016
I still love shooting film, and I try to shoot a little each month, but getting film developed in China is really difficult. I am almost at the point of buying all the equipment and starting to develop the film myself.
Black and white is still my first choice when shooting film. Its unique look still cannot be replicated by any digital camera out there right now. The strange thing about film is that when I show my shots to some photographers who have never shot film before, the first thing they always comment on is the noise. “Wow, it is so noisy!” I have heard this so many times now.
Hong Kong is such a pretty and colorful city, and it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the colors that assault your eyes. Shooting in black and white just gives the city that classical look that I love to see. For me, it is a personal thing; this is how I see the city in my mind.
I only shot one roll of Xpan 100 through my Nikon FM. I wasn’t sure if the camera was in good working condition, as I had not used it in a long, long time. I was surprised, though—the camera was still in perfect condition. I had no problems with the metering, and the only issue I had was manual focusing. I missed focus on a lot of shots. Manual focusing takes practice to get it right. I plan to try and shoot at least one roll of film a week with the camera for fun. It is fun to shoot with a film camera again; you have to shoot slower, take your time with composition, and make sure your exposure is correct. There’s no chimping—the only thing I can do is shoot and hope I got it right.
I also picked up another film camera recently to ease some of my boredom with digital cameras. I bought a Yashica Mat 124G and ran a roll of film through the camera as well.
I put through one roll of film to test the Yashica at my favorite testing ground in China to put the camera through its paces, and it seems like it worked. Shooting with this camera was a pleasure, but it is such an attention grabber. I consistently got stopped by people asking me about the camera. This could be a good thing, but it was annoying when I was trying to shoot some test shots quickly. However, I think this camera would be a great icebreaker when shooting on the street. Just like the Nikon, I will be trying to shoot at least one roll of film with it each week as well.