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Hong Kong Street Art

Going to a new city is always exciting for me, but to be honest, I hate tourist locations. I avoid them like the plague. When I go to a new city, I love to walk around and experience the city for myself. I will walk all day, getting lost and absorbing as much of the city as I can.


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I love seeing the real streets of a city, seeing how people live, and seeing the real neighborhoods of a city. This is the reason I always go hunting for graffiti or street art in the cities I travel in. In most cities in mainland China, it is very hard to find anything but white walls and advertisements, but luckily for me, in Honk Kong it is much easier to find. Nearly every single back alley has some graffiti waiting for someone to find.

So whilst I was in Hong Kong for a few weeks, I became the crazy foreigner who walked down every single back alley, exploring every little dark passage, looking for what I would find. Hong Kong is a treasure trove of hidden goodies and I managed to find d a lot of interesting things, including some troubles.


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Perhaps the biggest problem I had in Hong Kong is with the Indian Gangs selling drugs and cheap knock off stuff from mainland China. They tend to mark there turf with graffiti and don’t really like people taking photos of it. I had a few altercations with them but I just played the dumb tourist, pretended not  to understand their English, shrugged my shoulder and walked away.


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If you ever  find yourself travelling in Hong Kong, I highly recommend walking down some of the small dark alleyways and away from the main roads, go see the real city, meet the real people. There are so many great little shops and local restaurants just waiting to be found. Even if you do get lost, most Hongkongers are extremely friendly and they can help you find your way.

Now that I am back working in mainland China, I will miss Hong Kong.




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