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Changjiang Road Zhenjiang China

This weekend I wanted to continue testing the FujiFilm XF10-24mm F4 so I went into Zhenjiang City and walked along Changjiang Road to shoot some HDRs in the afternoon. I love to shoot handheld HDRs when I am free and this is one of the reasons I bought this lens for.


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DSCF4193_web-1024x683-1024x683 Changjiang Road Zhenjiang China 2015


With HDR, you can get some nice pretty colors and I enjoy shooting HDR in the late afternoon. I am slowly getting use to shooting HDR with the Fujifilm XT1. Shooting HDR on a Fuji is very different than Nikons which I had been using before.


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Finding open space with no people around in China is really hard. When I saw that the road  was emptying out around dinner time, I made the most of the short time I knew I had to shoot the HDRs.


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The FujiFilm XF 10-24mm F4 lens produced some really nice sharp stills for the HDRs and is easily a match for the Nion 16-35mm f4 lens.


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I really enjoyed my afternoon with the Fujifilm XF 10-24mm f4 lens. It was fun to shoot, focused really quickly and felt great in my hands, but it is heavy. Really heavy once you are used to using Fuji primes, before I never noticed the camera hanging on my side when using a black raid strap, but with the lens attacked, I could really feel the camera. Still much lighter though than a DSLR hanging on your side.

I still have a lot of photos to edit from the weekend, I will post some more later this week.

Cheers for now.




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