Flunk playing at Ola livehouse in Nanjing China
PENTAX 67 45MM F4 lens review Going wide on medium format is not easy; there are not many lenses to choose from, to be honest. There were three lenses that I could have chosen: the Pentax 35mm, 55mm, and 45mm lens. I decided to pick the cheaper option...
How to photograph graffiti This will be a small tutorial on shooting graffiti, based on my experience shooting many graffiti artists at festivals or when they are working on the street. The actual photography part of shooting graffiti artists is easy,...
Laster playing at Ola Livehouse in Nanjing China
熊猫眼乐队 playing at Ola livehouse in Nanjing China
对角巷乐队 The Diagon Alley at Ola Livehouse in Nanjing China
永动机乐队 playing at Ola Livehouse in Nanjing Previous photos of 永动机乐队 here. Shaun.
FUJIFILM INSTAX Mini 90 Neo Classic Instant Film Camera review Cameras have two purposes for me: one as a tool for work, and the other as an item to have fun with. The Fujifilm Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic is definitely a camera for fun. I usually carry...
Punisher判官乐队 playing at Ola Livehouse in Nanjing China 2019
葡萄不愤怒乐队 at Ola Livehouse Nanjing China 2019
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