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Camera of the month January 2019


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This is the start of a new series of blogs that I will make. Each month I will buy a new film camera and shoot it all month, and then write a detailed review of the camera at the end of the month. Since I am starting a 6×6 project this year, the first few cameras will be medium format 6×6 cameras until I find one that I enjoy using and then I will move onto other cameras for this series of blogs. The first camera for this series will be the Bronica Zensa S2. These cameras are really hard to find in China, but I really wanted to try one.

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My first impression of the Bronica Zensa S2 is that it is a really sexy camera. I expected a heavy brick of a camera with a gunshot loud shutter but the internet has exaggerated a lot about this camera. The camera is not that heavy, no heavier than one of my big digital DSLR and it is not so loud. My Pentax 67 is much louder, and some digital cameras make more noise than it. I will go shoot my first roll of film with it today, but the camera feels good in the hand so far, but that might just be “new camera lust” that is speaking to me right now.


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DSC_5015-2-1024x683 Camera of the month January 2019


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