+86 1510-529-7925 [email protected]

Best music photos from 2014

Winter has come to China and all the shows and festivals have come to an end for 2014.  At this time of the year, I have a lot of free time to reflect on my work and think of new ways to improve for the next summer. At the start of the year, I wanted to concentrate on getting real emotion in my work, but that is easier said than done. Shooting a photo that can portray emotion is very difficult and takes a lot of patience to get right. I am not sure if I ended up succeeding in my goal but these next 10 images are my personal choice for my top 10 photos for 2014.


裂缝乐队CRACK-1024x682 Best music photos from 2014

裂缝乐队 CRACK Band













裂缝乐队CRACK-1024x682 Best music photos from 2014

红香蕉乐队 band













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痛仰 Misserable Faith

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扭曲机器 Twisted Machine


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九宝乐队 Nine Treasure band


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丝绒公路 velvet road


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Vcps band


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萬重乐队 mega soul band


裂缝乐队CRACK-1024x682 Best music photos from 2014

Emergency Gate





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